Södermanlands regemente finished

Södermanlands regemente An indelt regiment for the province of Södemanland, participating in most of the great battles of the war, from Fraustadt 1706 and lost at Poltava 1708. Re-raised to participate at Helsingborg 1710 and Gadebusch 1712. From the perspective of representing the regiment, interesting for never turning in the old Karpus felt hats for tricornes during the whole GNW period, and one of the few regiments we know for sure were issued distinct grenadier caps. The advantage of putting 36 figs on 6 bases with 6 figures each instead of 3 bases with 12 figures each: they can be split up into two 18-figure units. Next up on the work bench is an artillery unit, although I need to figure out how I will base them first.